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Monday, November 7, 2016

Ray Mears Canoeing in Canada

The local canoe buzz is that Bushcraft guru Ray Mears was in Canada with Canoe expert (and full time wilderness comedian) Kevin Callan filming for an upcoming series on how the canoe shaped canadian culture. Kevin wrote a blurb about it on his blog and posted some pics on his gallery.

Apparently the event included Ray tackling Class II rapids on the French River in birchbark canoe. with a helicopter overhead documenting the footage. Gotta see that! Also couldn't help but notice that the sheerline and ends on Ray's bark canoe resemble my yet incomplete Attikamek Hunter's canoe.

The Canadian Canoe Museum's 36' Canot du Maitre built by Manager Artisan Jeremy Ward was also part of the filming. Jeremy and the Museum's set of modern day Voyageurs look absolutely perfect in the Upper French's calm waters. I can't wait to see this TV series from Ray apparently due out in about 1 year.

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