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Friday, December 23, 2016

Boat kit jigsaw joints

The Didi Mini Transat Mk3 we have just cut for a client in Dubai has the jigsaw joints as provided by Dix Design and in the CNC cut files.


Check on the right hand side, the picture will enlarge if you click on it.
These joints speed up assembly and mean you will not now have to do a traditional scarph joint
as in previous kits.

These panels now just click together, saving hours of time.
More Jigsaw panels, this is what makes a Didi Mini Transat Mk3 plywood kit from CKD Boats cc, we are packing it next week, in a purpose made 16mm plain chipboard crate.

Jigsaw Joints, how easy is this?

Very, just add glue to both panels and click them together!


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