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Sunday, September 4, 2016

Zeeslang up close at the Dusseldorf 2014 boat show

My thanks to Michael again for supplying the picture which he told me was taken by a professional .

Click on the picture to open it up.

The Fotografer was Klaus Andrews. 

The plans no longer exist, as the original owner refused to sell the plans with the boat.

The picture Michael mentions is my own taken at the RCYC Small Craft Basin in 1977, scroll down to find it and the same Zeeslang on moorings.

Check the link for some history on Zeeslang:,oid,44692/lang,2/ticket,g_u_e_s_t/local_lang,2


Dear Roy,

thank you very much for that picture - it looks like as if the deckhouse had a very different shape back then. Is it correct that the picture was taken in 1977?

Attached please find a few pics taken at the Dusseldor boat show. On one of the pictures you can see a small red sailing boat model. By sheer coincidence this happened to be a model of Zeevalk - the predecessor of Zeeslang :) Quite interesting that the hull shape had a number features of Zeeslang already, so from Bruynzeels's point of view, Zeeslang clearly was an evolution.





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