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Friday, September 30, 2016

Great Plans

I had great plans to go out and write while floating in the bay. But, I didn't... as often happens, once I get a chance to move, I tend to just move. It was sunny and about 40 F with a 10-15 m wind out of the NW. I put in at the south lagoons and immediately an eagle flew over, circling and drifting south with the wind. It was finicky paddling with the wind at just the right direction to swing the canoe off line if I didn't pay attention. It was even windy among the west islands. A female hooded merganser sat on the divingboard log (photo) near the north shore. When I paddled downwind back to my put-in, I spotted two eagles near the burial island. They may have been hunting, or perhaps it was something territorial. There seemed to be a lot of eagle-flying-around today. I noticed that new cattails are starting to push up on the north shore. Some of them are 6 or 8 inches, but I think they grow pretty fast once they start. Since I used my cart today, I got in a couple miles of walking along with the canoe trip, so, my head is back on straight... or as straight as it ever gets. And, the swans are definitely gone.

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