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Monday, September 26, 2016

Stainless deck fittings

We have offered quality fabricated 316 stainless steel boat fittings for many years, as long as the boats designer has the engineering drawings we can have the parts CNC cut, welded and then polished.

Hello Roy:  Parcel arrived today.  Excellent workmanship!  The brackets are very sturdy.  'Paid a UPS driver directly a 'Broker Fee' of $36.47 (USA).  Thanks so much!  Grateful, as always,  Fred

Fred is in Seattle, USA, we supplied the Cape Henry 21 boat plys CNC cut first, then part of the 316 stainless deck package, with this being the remainder of parts required to complete the boat.

We send via the postal service or courier, the buyer is given the costs and he makes his own choice as to which service he wants.

Two days back we shipped a complete 316 stainless deck package out to another customer, this time to Sweden and the Cape Cutter 19 design.


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