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Monday, October 31, 2016

Mikmaq Paddle Art

While perusing through some Canadian art books at a local library, I came across this image by an unkown artist documenting the blunted end style bark canoes and paddle decorations of Mi'kmaq indians

"Micmac Indians"
Unknown Artist, circa 1850
oil on canvas
45.7 x 61 cm

National Gallery of Canada (no. 6663)

This image was used on an 8 cent Canadian postage stamp back in 1973 as part of Canada Post's "Indians of Canada" series. A closeup of one of the paddles shows a scroll motif decoration reminiscient of the Historic Passamaquoddy I finished a while back. It's a simple design but quite attractive and I may start using more of these motifs with future paddle art.

Paddle Closeup

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