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Monday, August 22, 2016

Why Service Your Life Raft

Life rafts come in a variety of brands, sizes, person capacities, and have a variety of equipment package options. Every life raft is inflated the same way via CO2 cylinder but that is pretty much the only thing that is exactly the same. Life rafts are meant to be opened and serviced, some manufactures say every year and some manufactures have vacuum bag sealed life rafts that are every three years.

What happens when a life raft is serviced?
The life raft is open and the dates of all the internal equipment are determined so the service technician will know what needs to be replaced. The date of the last CO2 cylinder refill is determined and if it has been five years then the life raft is gas inflated, tested and the cylinder gets refilled.  The technician will also air and pressure test the life raft for defects and leaks.
All of these processes help ensure your life raft has a longer life and the best chance of working the way it is supposed to when you need it.

What are some things I can expect at each service?
If you have a life raft with one year service intervals the first 2 services will be pretty basic and include replacing of repair cement (glue) and batteries for the flash light as well as the set of spares.
There will be a charge for the service currently ours is $400.00 but they vary by station. You may also have charges for manufactures certificates, gaskets, seals, bursting straps called commonly bands (only on container style life rafts).
Three year service interval life rafts and the third service on a one year life raft will incur charges for all of the one year items in addition to replacing all of the flares in the raft. Also a three year service interval life raft will be in a vacuum bag that must be replaced at this service, the bags typically cost around $150.00 and up but vary with manufacture and the size of the life raft.

What happens if I skip a service or two?
Typically the rafts will be fine if they have been stowed properly and not submersed in water, however sometimes natural conditions and water can make the life of a life raft shorted especially when it has not been opened and allowed to breathe, dry and be cleaned if needed.
Also not servicing a raft at the manufactures intervals will void the manufactures warranty of the life raft.
The worst thing we see in waiting to service is the cost becomes high because you have so many things to replace at one time. You will incur however many years of charges on one bill and this often makes customers feel like it is not worth it for a service, even if the raft is in very good condition.
Like anything you purchase there are care instructions and not following them can result in costly repairs and frustrations. Why would you risk your life saving equipment failing when you need it.
Should you have questions or concerns about your life raft and servicing the life raft please contact us.
To avoid extra high services bills, maintain the warranty of the life raft and ensure the equipment is working properly servicing is key!

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