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Thursday, October 20, 2016

The White Horse Inn Cilcain Wales

As a family we went camping to Wales many times per year.

Click on the images to enlarge them.

What is special about the picture below?

Well my dad took it and in 1963, I think it was a winter ramble we were on, not camping as there is very little flora growing at that time.

Fifty two years later and the White Horse Inn is much the same as it was back in 1963.

My dad Robert Henry McBride, (r.i.p) took the picture, at the time he was the photographer for The Liverpool College of Building.

I later became a student at the same college.

The reason we were in Cilcain, was that as a family we were members of the Camping Club of Great Britain and Ireland and members of the Liverpool and North West Wales section.

Camping in Wales for us was a very regular event, I may be able to find record of who's farm field we used?

News just in says that very little can be seen to change but that the old sign has been removed to allow for a table and seating.


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